"ML" Machines Line
"YAOO" Machines Line
Suitable Consumer's Products
80 Staples Series
84 Staples Series
105 A - 108 A Staples Series
400 J Staples Series
C 100 Brad Series
P 100 Pin Series
C Brad series
90 Staples Series
92 Staples Series
55 Staples Series
16NC Heavy Staples Series
dia. 1.8 mm. small head black tempered nails series
dia. 1.8 mm. small head bicromatated tempered nails series
T-Nails series
Galvanized tempered T-Nails Series
Black tempered T-Nails Series
13 small Staples Series (office pliers)
1000 HD small Staples Series (Hand Tackers)
300 hand tackers small Staples Series
100 small staples Series (Hand Tackers)
28 small Staples Series (top carton closing)
35 heavy Staples Series (top and bottom carton closing)
C 2.1 Smooth Round Head Coil Nails Series
C 2.3 Smooth Round Head Coil Nails Series
C 2.5 Smooth Round Head Coil Nails Series
C 2.9 Smooth Round Head Coil Nails Series
C 2.5 Screw Round Head Coil Nails Series
C 2.9 Screw Round Head Coil Nails Series
ssx s sdx
Suitable Consumer's Products

The consumer's products are here so called to define all those products intended for a limited usage and, tipically, not repeated of such units which, singularly considered, at the end of the fixing process, result to be consumed by a consumer forever, when used, in a not reversible way, at the moment of the realization of their specific fixing task.

They are also considered apted to pin up, or to stick, by means of the consuming employment of such fixing units, via the fastening action, given by the "shooting cycle" (steel bullets inside a working material, for a civil use only, via a gun), also called "driving or stroke cycle", performed by these portable pneumatic systems, usually hand activated and formed in their structure by a fixing gun machine, any wooden object or any other penetrable treating surface, combining together firmly separated parts.

Their use seems to be strictly functional to the fastening mechanic junction to be executed by these air driven systems, which for these kind of consumer's products have been implemented, actuating, in this way, an assembling action among detached single parts.

This fastening action is, in fact, a term here meant as the situation created as a direct consequence of a dynamic mechanic penetration, enabled to connect, each others, materials firstly physically separated, then coupled, in a blocked assembled parts group.

These devices, to be enabled executing their labour, have to be supplied with an energy source of various nature, being such fastening task performed finally, as previously said, by means of these fixing sharp elements, pushed inside the wood-working materials.

These products are made in their structure mainly of load-bearing metallic wire in different forms, shapes, dimensions, raw components and treatments; products to be driven inside materials with high mechanic passive connectivity gradient aptitude, in function also of the interconnective penetration mean type characteristics of the fasteners applied inside them.

In fact, it is requested the preventive attitude of all materials to be worked by these tools' fixing actions, accepting the penetration without structural breakage or durable damages to the object integrity.

In other words, being penetrable to these fasteners, consenting the coupling action between them, via a fixing "bridge" process of mechanical type, which will create, more or less definitively, the union of them as a final result of their fixing cycle process.


ECOFIX is a FIMCA's Brand New Official Trademark -
3, Lelio Benetti Road,
Bazzano Locality,
ZIP CODE # 40053, VALSAMOGGIA (Bologna),
Fully paid-up Registered Capital of € 51,480.00 -
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